(307) 555-0133


Mon - Sat : 6am-10pm

Privacy Policy

At Agnew Container Storage, we recognise the importance of protecting the privacy of the personal information we collect from our customers and prospective customers. We are committed to and bound by the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 Cth (as amended).

This statement discloses what information we collect and how we use, disclose and store your personal information, as well as how you can contact us and get access to your information. Our privacy policy applies to all your dealings with us whether the dealing is through your personal visits to our Hire Centres, by telephone, mail, or our internet website.


We collect your personal information from our hire agreements, our credit forms, or what you tell us or show us when you telephone us, visit our hire centres, or browse on our website. We also collect personal information from credit reporting agencies and from searches we conduct, including the PPS Register. When you are making enquiries about our products and services, we will usually ask you for your name, your contact details including your phone number, address, and email address. This helps us to contact you to answer your enquiries. When you hire any equipment from us, we will request that you supply us with some or all of the following:

If you apply for a credit account with us, we may ask for the above information, as well as:

We do not seek to collect any sensitive information such as ethnic background, political beliefs, etc.


All information sought is required for our business purposes, which includes:

When you visit our website, we may collect the above information from you if you provide it to us. We may also collect logging information about web site activities (e.g. date and time of visits, the number of pages viewed, your operating system etc.) using “cookies”, as commonly used by most other web sites. A cookie is a packet of information that allows the hosting computer to identify and interact with you. The cookies do not identify any personal information but may provide us with statistical information that we can use to analyse our services. If your computer does not allow the placement of cookies, your navigation on our website may be restricted.

Your personal information may be shared with any members of the Agnew Container Storage company.

We assume we have your consent to use your personal information for the above purposes, in particular, for the purposes of sending information to you about our products and services, unless you advise us not to.

If you do not want us to contact you or send you information, please let us know.


You may opt out of receiving promotional materials from us, by emailing us at info@agnewcontainerstorage.com.au.

Disclosure of your personal information to parties outside the Agnew Container Storage:


We store information in different ways, including hard copies and electronic form. We take all reasonable care to ensure that the personal information about you is protected from loss, misuse or alteration. We also have electronic security systems in place to protect your personal information transmitted through our website.


You have a right to access the personal information we store about you. If you wish to access your information, please write to us (our contact details are at the end of this statement). Subject to verification of your identity, we will provide you with access to any information we are holding about you as soon as practicable. We may charge you the reasonable costs of processing your request.


You can refuse to provide us with your personal information if you are making general inquiries about our products and services. However, we may not be able to answer your requests in some cases, or conduct business with you, if you refuse to disclose the personal information that we require.


To obtain more information about our privacy policy and how we manage your personal information, please call (07) 5651 5643 or email info@agnewcontainerstorage.com.au. If you have any complaint about the effect of our Privacy Policy on you, you may write directly for the personal attention of our Managing Director, at the same address. Your complaint will then be considered and a reply will be made to you with an appropriate response confirming any further action to be taken. If you are still not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer your complaint to our external dispute resolution scheme, or to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

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